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Category: Digital Circuit

NAND Gate Equivalence

Basic of Combinational Logic Operations

Combinational logic refers to logic circuits where the output is determined solely by the current input values. Combinational logic circuits can be constructed from simple…

Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates

Boolean Algebra is used to analyze and simplify the digital (logic) circuits. It uses only the binary numbers i.e. 0 and 1. It is also…

What is A Bistable Element ?

A bistable element is an electronic device that can be in one of two stable states, typically labeled as “0” and “1” or “off” and…

analog-to-digital conversion (ADC)

Learn Digital Circuit System From Beginning

Chapter 1: Digital Circuit Fundamentals Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Digital Circuits Analog Signals and Digital Signals Analog and Digital Circuits The Research Content and Characteristics…

transistor Diode

Digital Circuit Basics

Digital circuits are electronic circuits that operate on digital signals or binary inputs (0 and 1) and produce binary outputs. These circuits are the foundation…

Binary Encoding

Binary encoding is a numerical encoding method consisting of two digits, 0 and 1. It is widely used in computer science and electronic engineering because…

Classification of Digital Devices.

The study of digital circuits has driven the rapid development of digital devices. Digital devices can be classified by scale according to their different purposes…

Pre-amplifier and Power Amplifier

Analog and Digital Circuits

By processing signals through analog or digital circuits, useful information for industry, agriculture, and information exchange can be extracted and transformed to effectively serve humanity.…

Speech signal waveform

Analog Signals and Digital Signals

1.Analog Signals and Digital Signals Analog signals: Signals that are continuous in time and value are called analog signals, as shown in Figure 1: Figure…

Figure 1 - digital circuit fundamental

Chapter 1: Digital Circuit Fundamentals

Chapter 1 introduces the concepts and knowledge of digital circuit fundamentals, including digital signals, classification and basic principles of digital circuits, logic gate circuits, number…