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Category: Domain Tutorial

What is a domain name ?

Domain Name Registration Tutorial

Domain Name Registration Tutorial Step 1: Choose a Domain Name Brainstorm Ideas: Think of a name that is relevant to your website’s content or business.…

DNS MX Records

What is a DNS MX record?

A DNS ‘mail exchange’ (MX) record directs email to a mail server. The MX record indicates how email messages should be routed in accordance with…

CNAME Records

What is a DNS CNAME Record?

A DNS CNAME (Canonical Name) alias is a type of DNS (Domain Name System) record that allows you to map one domain or subdomain to…

ICS Tutorial

What’s an ALIAS Record?

An ALIAS record is a type of DNS (Domain Name System) record used to map a domain name to another domain name. Unlike a traditional…

What is a DNS AAAA Record?

A DNS AAAA record, also known as an “IPv6 address record,” is a type of DNS (Domain Name System) record that maps a domain or…

DNS A Records

What is a DNS A Record ?

A DNS A record, also known as an Address record, is a type of DNS (Domain Name System) record used to map a domain or…