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RISC-V Pseudo-Instruction Lookup Table

Posted in Risc-V

RISC-V Pseudo-Instruction Lookup Table

The RISC-V pseudo-instructions that depend on x0. In RV32I, the instructions that read 64-bit counters by default read the lower 32 bits. To read the upper 32 bits, add "h".
The RISC-V pseudo-instructions that depend on x0. In RV32I, the instructions that read 64-bit counters by default read the lower 32 bits. To read the upper 32 bits, add “h”.
The RISC-V pseudo-instructions that do not depend on the x0 register. In the "la" instruction column, "GOT" stands for Global Offset Table, which records the runtime addresses of symbols in dynamic link libraries.
The RISC-V pseudo-instructions that do not depend on the x0 register. In the “la” instruction column, “GOT” stands for Global Offset Table, which records the runtime addresses of symbols in dynamic link libraries.

Assembler Pseudo-instructions

The assembler implements a number of convenience psuedo-instructions that are formed from instructions in the base ISA, but have implicit arguments or in some case reversed arguments, that result in distinct semantics.

The following table lists RISC-V assembler pseudo instructions:

Pesudo-instruction Expansion Description
nop addi zero,zero,0 No operation
li rd, expression (several expansions) Load immediate
la rd, symbol (several expansions) Load address
mv rd, rs1 addi rd, rs, 0 Copy register
not rd, rs1 xori rd, rs, -1 One’s complement
neg rd, rs1 sub rd, x0, rs Two’s complement
negw rd, rs1 subw rd, x0, rs Two’s complement Word
sext.w rd, rs1 addiw rd, rs, 0 Sign extend Word
seqz rd, rs1 sltiu rd, rs, 1 Set if = zero
snez rd, rs1 sltu rd, x0, rs Set if ≠ zero
sltz rd, rs1 slt rd, rs, x0 Set if < zero
sgtz rd, rs1 slt rd, x0, rs Set if > zero
fmv.s frd, frs1 fsgnj.s frd, frs, frs Single-precision move
fabs.s frd, frs1 fsgnjx.s frd, frs, frs Single-precision absolute value
fneg.s frd, frs1 fsgnjn.s frd, frs, frs Single-precision negate
fmv.d frd, frs1 fsgnj.d frd, frs, frs Double-precision move
fabs.d frd, frs1 fsgnjx.d frd, frs, frs Double-precision absolute value
fneg.d frd, frs1 fsgnjn.d frd, frs, frs Double-precision negate
beqz rs1, offset beq rs, x0, offset Branch if = zero
bnez rs1, offset bne rs, x0, offset Branch if ≠ zero
blez rs1, offset bge x0, rs, offset Branch if ≤ zero
bgez rs1, offset bge rs, x0, offset Branch if ≥ zero
bltz rs1, offset blt rs, x0, offset Branch if < zero
bgtz rs1, offset blt x0, rs, offset Branch if > zero
bgt rs, rt, offset blt rt, rs, offset Branch if >
ble rs, rt, offset bge rt, rs, offset Branch if ≤
bgtu rs, rt, offset bltu rt, rs, offset Branch if >, unsigned
bleu rs, rt, offset bltu rt, rs, offset Branch if ≤, unsigned
j offset jal x0, offset Jump
jr offset jal x1, offset Jump register
ret jalr x0, x1, 0 Return from subroutine

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