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Canada Map

Print a Canada Map in C Program

Here’s an example code to print a basic map of Canada using ASCII characters in C:   This will output a simple map of Canada…

Identifiers in C Program Language

C identifiers are names used in a C program, such as variables, functions, arrays, structures, unions, labels, etc. Identifiers can be composed of letters, including…

the comment symbols inside the double quotes

Basic Syntax of C Program Language

The Basic Syntax of C we will study includes: Semicolon(;)  and Whitespace Keywords Tokens Identifier Comments Header Files 1.Semicolon(;)  and Whitespace 1.1 Statement The code…

The C Program for calculating the Area of Triangle

The Program Structure of C Language

Before learning about the program structure of C language, let’s first take a look at a simple program. Input the three sides of a triangle…

How Does Preprocessor Work in C ?

Preprocessor occurs prior to the formal compilation stage.  In simple terms, a C Preprocessor is just a text substitution tool and it instructs the compiler…

How to Run C Program in Code Block ?

Let’s run Hello World program in Code Block open your Code::Block application 1. Create a New Project 2. Choose “Console Application”  – Go 3. Console…

Why Should We Chose Code::Block Compiler ?

As a lightweight C/C++ IDE, Code::Blocks has the following features in addition to basic editing, compiling, and debugging capabilities: Free and open-source. Code::Blocks is a…

The C programming language came out of Bell Labs in the early 1970s. According to the Bell Labs paper The Development of the C Language by Dennis Ritchie

The History of C Programming Language

The C programming language was developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs, AT&T in 1972. It was developed to overcome problems with previous languages such…