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JavaScript Versions

Posted in Javascript Tutorial

JavaScript is a widely acclaimed modern scripting language highly favored by developers globally. This lightweight language is both interpreted and compiled, finding utility on both the client-side and server-side of web development. It was conceived by Brendan Eich in 1995. Since its inception, JavaScript has undergone significant enhancements, introducing a plethora of new features that simplify the coding process. In 1997, it attained ECMA standardization, solidifying its position as a key language for web development.

JavaScript has gone through several versions and updates since its inception.

Here’s a detailed introduction to the various JavaScript versions, including their major features and changes:

  1. JavaScript 1.0 (1995):
    • JavaScript was first introduced by Netscape Communications Corporation in 1995.
    • This early version included basic scripting functionality for enhancing web pages, such as form validation and interaction with the Document Object Model (DOM).
  2. JavaScript 1.1 (1996):
    • JavaScript 1.1 introduced minor updates and fixes to address issues in the initial release.
    • It included features like error handling with the try...catch statement.
  3. JavaScript 1.2 (1997):
    • Introduced by Netscape in 1997, JavaScript 1.2 included significant enhancements.
    • It introduced regular expressions, better support for handling dates, and more advanced event handling.
  4. ECMAScript 2 (1998):
    • This version of JavaScript is also known as ECMAScript, which is the standardized version of the language.
    • ECMAScript 2 aimed to standardize JavaScript features and introduced minor changes, such as formalizing error handling with the throw statement.
  5. ECMAScript 3 (1999):
    • ECMAScript 3 was a major update that provided significant improvements and established the language’s foundation.
    • It introduced new features like try…catch error handling, regular expressions, and improved string handling.
    • ECMAScript 3 became the widely adopted standard for JavaScript across browsers.
  6. ECMAScript 4 (Abandoned):
    • An attempt was made to create ECMAScript 4 with more ambitious features, but it faced challenges and was eventually abandoned due to disagreements within the community.
  7. ECMAScript 5 (2009):
    • ECMAScript 5 was a substantial update that introduced new features, including strict mode, which enhanced the language’s robustness and reduced common programming errors.
    • It also added features like JSON object, property getters and setters, and improved array functions (e.g., map, reduce, filter).
  8. ECMAScript 6 (ES6) / ECMAScript 2015 (2015):
    • ES6 was a major milestone in JavaScript’s evolution, bringing numerous new features and improvements.
    • It introduced let and const for variable declarations, arrow functions, classes, modules, template literals, and enhanced support for Promises.
    • ES6 made JavaScript more modern and developer-friendly.
  9. ECMAScript 2016 (ES7):
    • This update was relatively minor compared to ES6 and introduced features like the exponential operator (**) and Array.prototype.includes.
  10. ECMAScript 2017 (ES8):
    • ES8 added features like asynchronous functions (async/await), shared memory and atomics for better multi-threading support, and new string padding methods.
  11. ECMAScript 2018 (ES9):
    • Introduced features like asynchronous iterators, Promise.finally(), and object spread properties.
  12. ECMAScript 2019 (ES10):
    • Added features like optional catch binding, the Array.prototype.flat() and Array.prototype.flatMap() methods, and more.
  13. ECMAScript 2020 (ES11):
    • ES11 brought features like the nullish coalescing operator (??) and the optional chaining operator (?.), making handling null and undefined values more convenient.
  14. ECMAScript 2021 (ES12):
    • Introduced features like String.prototype.replaceAll(), the Logical Assignment Operators, and Promise.any().
  15. Future Versions:
    • JavaScript continues to evolve with each new release. Upcoming versions are expected to bring more enhancements and features.
Related:   What is the Applications and Limitations of JavaScript ?

It’s important to note that JavaScript is often referred to by its ECMAScript version, and the language continues to grow and adapt to the changing needs of web development. Developers can choose to use the features and syntax supported by the JavaScript version specified in their target environment.

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