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Category: SEO


Backlinks, also known as inbound links or incoming links, are links from one website to a page on another website. They are an essential aspect…

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Breadcrumbs, also known as breadcrumb trails, are a navigational aid used in websites and user interfaces to enhance the user experience. They provide a way…

ICS Tutorial

Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are keyword phrases that are more specific and usually longer than common, high-volume keywords. They typically consist of three or more words and…

ICS Tutorial

Off-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO refers to the actions taken outside of your own website to impact your rankings within search engine results pages (SERPs). This type of…

ICS Tutorial

On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO refers to the practice of optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. It involves making…


A robots.txt file is a simple text file used by websites to communicate with web crawlers and other automated agents that visit the site. It…

technical SEO

Technical SEO

Technical SEO refers to the process of optimizing the technical aspects of a website to ensure that it meets the requirements of modern search engines…

User Experience in SEO

User Experience

In SEO (Search Engine Optimization), user experience (UX) refers to the overall experience that users have when interacting with a website or webpage. It encompasses…