Here is a table that lists some commonly used C++ header files and their corresponding library functions:
Header File | Library Functions |
iostream | cin, cout, cerr, clog |
iomanip | setw, setprecision, setfill |
fstream | ifstream, ofstream, fstream |
string | getline, substr, find, replace |
vector | push_back, pop_back, at, size |
algorithm | sort, max_element, min_element, binary_search |
cmath | sqrt, sin, cos, tan |
ctime | time, localtime, mktime, strftime |
cstdio | printf, scanf, fopen, fclose |
cstdlib | rand, srand, malloc, free |
cstring | strcpy, strcat, strlen, strcmp |
chrono | system_clock, duration, time_point, now |
thread | thread, join, detach, yield |
mutex | mutex, lock, try_lock, unlock |