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ICS Tutorial

“/etc/mailhelo” Format

You may use any command-line text editor such as vi (or vim), nano (or pico), to edit the files. As long as the automatic option…

DNS MX Records

What is a DNS PTR record?

A DNS PTR record (Pointer Record) is used for reverse DNS lookups. Unlike the typical DNS query where you convert a domain name into an…

centOS Linux

How to Update CentOS ?

Like all Linux distros, it’s important to keep your CentOS system up to date in order to make sure that you have the latest security…

What is a domain name ?

Domain Name Registration Tutorial

Domain Name Registration Tutorial Step 1: Choose a Domain Name Brainstorm Ideas: Think of a name that is relevant to your website’s content or business.…

Web Hosting Tutorial

  What Is Web Hosting? Types of Web Hosting Technical Support Domain Names Website Availability Website Monitoring Database Access FTP Here’s how to host your…

Understanding Case Sensitivity in Linux

One of the fundamental aspects of working with Linux and Unix-like operating systems is understanding case sensitivity. This feature significantly impacts how you interact with…

cat Command in Linux

The cat command in Linux is a versatile and frequently used utility for working with text files. It derives its name from “concatenate” and is…

Understanding the Location of Linux System

Understanding the file system hierarchy in a Linux system is crucial for navigating and managing files effectively. The Linux file system follows the Filesystem Hierarchy…

The Linux Command Line for Beginners

The Linux command line is a versatile tool that provides powerful ways to manage files, execute programs, and control the system. Understanding basic commands and…

Virtual Box

How to Install VirtualBox on Windows?

What is VirtualBox? Virtual Machine abstracts the hardware of our personal computers such as CPU, disk drives, memory, NIC (Network Interface Card), etc, into many…